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Edward Evdokimov
Edward Evdokimov

A Gentleman And A Young Lady (2021)

[A typo in the Florida Sterne for CRAMMOND.] Unidentified. One possibility is a Miss Cramond who later married Hugh Inglis, a "Portugal Merchant of Mile-End" (August 18, 1776), described in the General Evening Post (August 20, 1776) as "a young lady of a large fortune and creole by birth." Hugh Inglis and Mrs. Inglis subscribed to two sets of Samuel Green's Sermons and to Helen Maria Williams's Poems, both published in 1786. Alternatively, Elizabeth Cramond of Langley Lawn, Essex, daughter of Robert (d. 1762); "Miss Cramond" subscribed to Robert Bacon, Miscellaneous Pieces in Verse and Prose in 1790.

A Gentleman and a Young Lady (2021)

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When wealthy young American Octavia Bassett appears at her aunt's door, she not only surprises that timid lady but the entire English town of Slowbridge as well. It's as if Daisy Miller had been dropped into Cranford... without the dire result.

Solanum lycopersicum Tomato is the most common vegetable in the modern garden and probably the most uncommon vegetable in the 18th century. THE TOMATO IS A NATIVE OF SOUTH AMERICA and appears to have been a single cell fruit, much like the cherry tomato which the Incas apparently didn't use. By unknown means the tomato made its way to Mexico, the Aztecs adopted the tomato and developed the multi-cell fruit. So when one opens a tomato today there are a series of cells within it. The 18th century tomato is contorted looking, almost like a bunch of little cherry tomatoes all plastered together. This was normal then but today wouldn't be used, it wouldn't even be used as a slicer. But the tomato in the 18th century was used in sauces, never as a ripe fruit. Wesley likes the way he grows his tomatoes. He weaves sticks together. At home one could use latticework one might see underneath porches. Nail the lattice onto a 2 X 4 frame, stand it up on cinder blocks, let the tomatoes come up through the frame, the tomatoes will lay across the frame and Wesley can just pick them off the table. It's open to air circulation and sunlight which results in a nice, healthy, abundant crop.Joe wants to know more about herbs that were indicative of the era. The knowledge and use of herbs was part of the house wifery skills that a young lady would learn from her mother. There are herbs one can cook with, herbs that can be used to medicate the family, herbs for fragrance and herbs to repel insects. One of the most pervasive myths of the period garden is the idea of a colonial herb garden. There was no such thing. Herbs were always a component of the kitchen garden. But, Wesley has even done it in this garden, there are vegetables in one space, herbs in another. He has done that for interpretative reasons, for the story telling ability.One of Wesley's favorites is Sorrel. It can be used in Vichyssoises or cold soups. The tangy bite is always a nice surprise, just like crabapples. But, the leaves could have bugs because this is an organic garden.Wesley shows Joe another plant, a favorite of the young at heart. It is called Mimosa pudica Sensitive Plant. Mr. Jefferson first acquired it in the West Indies in 1763. When touching the middle of the leaf it closes up. That is because herbivores, or animals that just eat leaves, will not eat a little leaf because little leaves are often diseased and importantly when a herbivore stumbles into the Sensitive Plant all the leaves appear to wilt and animals won't eat a wilted leaf. In the tropical world it is a obnoxious weed. It has now spread from the West Indies to the Philippines, Hawaii and India. People in these areas know it's trouble but it's a great curiosity in Williamsburg.Top 041b061a72


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